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Greek: Attica-Aigina

Attica-Aigina, AR Drachm, c.510-485 BC
(No legend)
Land tortoise with plain shell
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Mill-sail pattern with five sunken compartments with thick dividing bands
13mm x 17mm, 5.39g
Brett 1109; Dewing 1662

Consignor notes: aVF, well centered.

Attica-Aigina, AR Stater, c.457-431 BC
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Land tortoise with segmented shell
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Mill-sail pattern with five sunken compartments with thick dividing bands
20mm x 21mm, 12.38g
Milbank pl. II, 10; SNG Delepierre 1535; SNG Copenhagen 516; Dewing 1683
Ex Craig and Ruanne Smith Collection

Attica-Aigina, AR Hemiobol, c.456/45-431 BC
(No legend)
Land tortoise with segmented shell
(No legend)
Mill-sail pattern with five sunken compartments with thick dividing bands
7mm x 8mm, 0.40g
SNG Delepierre 1544; Traité III 120

Greek, Attica-Aigina, AR Hemidrachm, c.404 BC
(No legend)
Land tortoise with segmented shell
(No legend)
Mill-sail pattern with five sunken compartments with thick dividing bands, two pellets in one compartment
14mm x 15mm, 2.53g
SNG Copenhagen 522
Ex David Cannon Collection