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Macedonian Kingdom


Macedonian Kingdom, Alexander III the Great, AR Tetradrachm, 327-323 BC (Lifetime Issue), Cilicia-Tarsos
(No legend)
Head of Herakles right, wearing lion-skin headdress
Zeus seated left, eagle in right hand, scepter in left
Plow in left field, grape bunch below throne
26mm x 29mm, 17.22g
Price 3027


Macedonian Kingdom, Alexander III the Great, AE Half Unit, c.323-315 BC, Cyprus-Salamis
(No legend)
Macedonian shield, Gorgoneion boss
B | A
Macedonian helmet decorated with horsehair
Caduceus below
15mm x 17mm, 3.33g
Price 3158; Müller --

Consignor notes - VF, attractive earthen patina


Macedonian Kingdom, Lysimachos, AR Drachm, c.301-297 BC, "Ionia-Teos"
(No legend)
Head of Herakles right, wearing lion-skin headdress
Zeus seated left, right leg drawn back, feet on stool, eagle in right hand, scepter in left, griffin above monogram in left field
16mm x 17mm, 4.30g
Price L38
Ex David Cannon Collection


Macedonian Kingdom, Alexander III the Great, AR Drachm, c.323-317 BC, Mysia-Lampsakos
(No legend)
Head of Herakles right, wearing lion-skin headdress
Zeus seated left, right leg drawn back, feet on stool, eagle in right hand, scepter in left, 
Buckle in left field, Λ / Ω below throne
16mm x 17mm, 4.30g
Price 1375

Macedonian Kingdom, Alexander III the Great, AR Drachm, c.310-301 BC, Mysia-Lampsakos
(No legend)
Head of Herakles right, wearing lion-skin headdress
Zeus seated left, right leg drawn back, feet on stool, eagle in right hand, scepter in left
Forepart of Pegasus in left field, AI below throne
16mm x 17mm, 3.78g
Price 1385

Consignor notes: Fine.

Macedonian Kingdom, Alexander III the Great, AR Drachm, c.310-301 BC, Mysia-Lampsakos
(No legend)
Head of Herakles right, wearing lion-skin headdress
Zeus seated left, right leg drawn back, feet on stool, eagle in right hand, scepter in left
Amphora in left field, ME (ligate) below throne
18mm x 19mm, 4.28g
Price 1417

Macedonian Kingdom, Alexander III the Great, AR Drachm, c.310-301 BC, Mysia-Lampsakos
(No legend)
Head of Herakles right, wearing lion-skin headdress
Zeus seated left, right leg drawn back, feet on stool, eagle in right hand, scepter in left
Amphora in left field, Q below throne
17mm x 18mm, 4.14g
Price 1418


Macedonian Kingdom, Alexander III the Great, AR Tetradrachm, 195-194 BC (Year 18), Countermark c.172 BC, Pamphylia-Aspendos
(No legend)
Head of Herakles right, wearing lion-skin headdress, countermark of Seleukid anchor within oval incuse
Zeus seated left, eagle in right hand, scepter in left
AΣ / IH in left field
29mm x 33mm, 16.11g
Price 2897

Consignor notes: aVF, interesting oblong flan.

Phoenicia-Ake Ptolemais

Macedonian Kingdom, Alexander III the Great, AR Tetradrachm, 308/307 BC (Year 39), Phoenicia-Ake Ptolemais
(No legend)
Head of Herakles right, wearing lion-skin headdress
Zeus seated left, eagle in right hand, scepter in left
Phoenician date in left field
26mm x 27mm, 17.04g
Price 3297; Newell Ake 46

Susiana-Susa (in Babylonia)

Macedonian Kingdom, Philip III Arrhidaios, AR Tetradrachm, c.320-316 BC, Susiana-Susa
(No legend)
Head of Herakles right, wearing lion-skin headdress
Zeus seated left, neither leg drawn back, feet on stool, eagle in right hand, scepter in left
LA above throne strut
24.8mm, 16.13g, Die axis 10.0
Price P208; Müller P85

Notes from consignor: Good EF/EF. Pleasant example, well centered, light toning, more so on reverse. Excellent detail on obverse.

Macedonian Kingdom, Philip III Arrhidaios, AR Tetradrachm, c.320-316 BC, Susiana-Susa
(No legend)
Head of Herakles right, wearing lion-skin headdress
Zeus seated left, neither leg drawn back, feet on stool, eagle in right hand, scepter in left
X above throne strut
24mm, 17.14g, Die axis 12.0
Price P216; Müller P125

Notes from consignor: EF. Attractive example, nice relief.


Macedonian Kingdom, Philip II, AR Tetradrachm, 355-348 BC, Thrace-Amphipolis
(No legend)
Laureate head of Zeus right
King wearing kausia and chlamys, raising right hand in salute, riding left
Erased protome of pegasos below horse, bow under right foreleg
25mm x 26mm, 14.31g
LeRider Amphipolis 164 (LeRider dies D75/R135)
Ex Ritter, August 2006

Note: This issue commemorates Philip's victory in the horse race at Olympia in 356 BC.

Historical Notes: Philip came to power in 359 BC after the Macedonians had just suffered a defeat at the hands of the Illyrians. Macedonia was in political and military turmoil, and Philip immediately set about bringing the people of Macedonia under his control. After exacting revenge on the Illyrians by defeating them in 358 BC, Philip sought to bring all of Upper Macedonia under his control and make them loyal to him. His primary method of creating alliances and strengthening loyalties was through marriage. The most important marriage for Philip was to Olympias, from the royal house of Molossia. By 357 BC, they were married, and she gave birth to Alexander the next year.

Philip's military zenith was at the battle at Chaeronea in August of 338 BC. Philip's army was greatly outnumbered by the Athenian and Theban forces, yet his phalanxes overwhelmed the Athenians and Thebans. Athens and Thebes were forced to become subjects of Philip and Macedonia, leaving Sparta as the only Greek state not under Macedonian control.

At the Council at Corinth the next year, Philip outlined his system for ruling the Greek states. He gave freedom and autonomy to all the political parties in each state, yet established a network of bureaucracies that would be stable and loyal to Philip. Then, with the support of all Greece, Philip declared war on Persia to retaliate for the Persian invasion of Greece several generations before. In the spring of 336 BC, Philip sent Attalus and Parmenion with 10,000 troops over into Asia Minor to begin liberating Greek cities along the coast. Just before Philip himself was to travel to Asia to begin the conquest, he was assassinated.

Philip II had employed Celtic and other Balkan ‘barbarian’ mercenaries in his army, a fact which led gradually to the transfusion of large amounts of silver and gold coins in the Balkans (and in the central Europe), paid by Philip and later by his successors as soldiers’ wages. That prestigious currency and the growing familiarity with its use led several eastern Celtic tribes to mint, from the late 4th-early 3rd centuries BC onwards, imitative coinages of their own, based on the coin types of Philip II. This influence had far-reaching consequences in the European monetary affairs.

Macedonian Kingdom, Philip II, AR Tetradrachm, c.342/1-329/8 BC (LeRider), c.342/1-336 BC (Price), Group Amphipolis IIB, Thrace-Amphipolis
(No legend)
Laureate head of Zeus right
Emperor on horseback right, long palm in right hand, reigns in left
Bee under horse, Janiform head under front left leg of horse
24mm x 25mm, 14.41g
LeRider Amphipolis 446 (LeRider dies D222/R397)
Ex USA Federal Bureau of Investigations, September 2006; Ex Capital Collectibles (seized assets)

Notes and attribution courtesy James Schell: Price, emphasizing the use of the control mark "janiform head" on the earliest Macedonian issues of Alexander III, suggested that the terminus ante quem for this group should be c. 336 BC, rather than c. 329/8 BC.

Macedonian Kingdom, Philip II, AR Tetradrachm, c.320/319-317 BC, Thrace-Amphipolis
(No legend)
Laureate head of Zeus right
Youth on horseback right, long palm in right hand, reigns in left
ΓA monogram under horse, Λ under front left leg of horse
23mm x 25mm, 14.14g
LeRider Amphipolis pl. 45, 6; SNG ANS 633

Macedonian Kingdom, Alexander III the Great, AR Tetradrachm, c.336-326 BC (Lifetime Issue), Thrace-Amphipolis
(No legend)
Head of Herakles right, wearing lion-skin headdress
Zeus seated left, eagle in right hand, scepter in left
Stern in left field
25mm x 28mm, 17.07g
Price 5; Troxel A2

Consignor notes: VF, good metal

Macedonian Kingdom, Alexander III the Great, AV Quarter Stater, c.330-320 BC, Thrace-Amphipolis
(No legend)
Head of Athena right, wearing crested Corinthian helmet decorated with a serpent
Thunderbolt, bow and club
11mm, 2.12g
Price 165

Macedonian Kingdom, Alexander III the Great, AR Tetradrachm, c.315-294 BC (Posthumous Issue), Thrace-Amphipolis
(No legend)
Head of Herakles right, wearing lion-skin headdress
Zeus seated left, eagle in right hand, scepter in left, feet on stool
Λ / torch in left field, Δ under throne
26mm x 28mm, 16.38g
Price 442

Consignor notes: gVF, broken and fully crystalized.

Macedonian Kingdom, Alexander III the Great, AR Tetradrachm, c.315-294 BC (Posthumous Issue), Thrace-Amphipolis
(No legend)
Head of Herakles right, wearing lion-skin headdress
Zeus seated left, eagle in right hand, scepter in left, feet on stool
Λ / torch in left field, MΓ monogram under throne
26mm x 28mm, 16.69g
Price 447var (Monogram under throne missing crossbar)

Consignor notes: gVF, test cut on edge.

Macedonian Kingdom, Alexander III the Great, AR Tetradrachm, c.315-294 BC (Posthumous Issue), Thrace-Amphipolis
(No legend)
Head of Herakles right, wearing lion-skin headdress
Zeus seated left, eagle in right hand, scepter in left, feet on stool
Λ / torch in left field, * / cone under throne
27mm x 28mm, 17.16g
Price 475


Macedonian Kingdom, Alexander III, AR Diobol, c.330-325, Thrace-"Amphipolis"
(No legend)
Head of Herakles right, wearing lion-skin headdress
Two eagles standing facing each other on thunderbolt
10mm x 11mm, 1.38g
Price 155

Note: This "Amphipolis" mint has been separated from the regular listing of Amphipolis issues as that is how Price has them catalogued. Price 142-162 do not fit into the sequence of the main Macedonian mint, thus, have been given a separate grouping and are all "eagle" fractions in silver and bronze.


Macedonian Kingdom, Alexander III the Great, AR Tetradrachm, 325-323 BC, Thrace-Babylon
(No legend)
Head of Herakles right, wearing lion-skin headdress
Zeus seated left on throne with back, neither leg drawn back, feet on stool, eagle in right hand, scepter in left, protuberances on legs of throne
Monogram in left field, monogram above M below throne
25mm x 26mm, 17.16g
Price 3660

Macedonian Kingdom, Alexander III the Great, AR Tetradrachm, c.323-317 BC, Thrace-Babylon
(No legend)
Head of Herakles right, wearing lion-skin headdress
Zeus seated left on throne with back, his right leg drawn back, feet on stool, eagle in right hand, scepter in left, protuberances on legs of throne
M in left field, ΛY below seat
BAΣIΛEΩΣ in exergue
26mm x 27mm, 16.20g
Price 3692

Macedonian Kingdom, Alexander III the Great, AR Tetradrachm, c.316-311 BC, Thrace-Babylon
(No legend)
Head of Herakles right, wearing lion-skin headdress
Zeus seated left on throne with back, his right leg drawn back, feet on stool, eagle in right hand, scepter in left, protuberances on legs of throne
Monogram in wreath in left field, AX monogram below seat
BAΣIΛEΩΣ in exergue
25mm x 26mm, 17.00g
Price 3722

Consignor notes: VF, good metal.

Macedonian Kingdom, Alexander III the Great, AR Tetradrachm, c.311-305 BC, Thrace-Babylon
(No legend)
Head of Herakles right, wearing lion-skin headdress
Zeus seated left on throne with back, his right leg drawn back, feet on stool, eagle in right hand, scepter in left, protuberances on legs of throne
Monogram in wreath in left field, MI below seat
BASILEWS in exergue
26mm x 27mm, 16.67g
Price 3747

Macedonian Kingdom, Alexander III the Great, AR Tetradrachm, c.311-305 BC, Thrace-Babylon
(No legend)
Head of Herakles right, wearing lion-skin headdress
Zeus seated left on throne with back, his right leg drawn back, feet on stool, eagle in right hand, scepter in left, protuberances on legs of throne
Monogram in wreath in left field, MI below seat
BAΣIΛEΩΣ in exergue
25mm x 26mm, 16.94g
Price 3747

Consignor notes: gFine.

Macedonian Kingdom, Alexander III the Great, AR Tetradrachm, c.311-305 BC, Thrace-Babylon
(No legend)
Head of Herakles right, wearing lion-skin headdress
Zeus seated left on throne with back, his right leg drawn back, feet on stool, eagle in right hand, scepter in left, protuberances on legs of throne
ME (ligate) / club in left field, |A| monogram below seat
BAΣIΛEΩΣ in exergue
25mm x 27mm, 17.16g
Price 3772; Müller --; Armenak 143; SNG Copenhagen 862


Macedonian Kingdom, Alexander III the Great, AR Drachm, c.336-323 BC, Thrace-Kolophon
(No legend)
Head of Herakles right, wearing lion-skin headdress
Zeus seated left, right leg drawn back, feet on stool, eagle in right hand, scepter in left
* in left field, spear head in right field behind name
17mm, 4.06g
Price 1760
Ex Vel Garnett Collection

Macedonian Kingdom, Alexander III the Great, AR Drachm, c.319-310 BC, Thrace-Kolophon
(No legend)
Head of Herakles right, wearing lion-skin headdress
Zeus seated left, right leg drawn back, feet on stool, eagle in right hand, scepter in left
Swastika-like monogram in left field, DH below throne
17mm, 3.81g
Price 1789

Macedonian Kingdom, Alexander III the Great, AR Drachm, c.310-301 BC, Thrace-Kolophon
(No legend)
Head of Herakles right, wearing lion-skin headdress
Zeus seated left, right leg drawn back, feet on stool, eagle in right hand, scepter in left
F in left field, P below throne
17mm x 18mm, 4.11g
Price 1817

Macedonian Kingdom, Alexander III the Great, AR Drachm, c.310-301 BC, Thrace-Kolophon
(No legend)
Head of Herakles right, wearing lion-skin headdress
Zeus seated left, right leg drawn back, feet on stool, eagle in right hand, scepter in left
Monogram in left field, crescent below throne
18mm x 20mm, 4.28g
Price 1825

Macedonian Kingdom, Alexander III the Great, AR Drachm, c.301-297 BC, Thrace-Kolophon
(No legend)
Head of Herakles right, wearing lion-skin headdress
Zeus seated left, right leg drawn back, feet on stool, eagle in right hand, scepter in left
Forepart of lion / F in left field, pentagram below throne
17mm x 19mm, 4.07g
Price 1840

Macedonian Kingdom, Alexander III the Great, AR Drachm, c.310-301 BC, Thrace-"Kolophon"
(No legend)
Head of Herakles right, wearing lion-skin headdress
Zeus seated left, right leg drawn back, feet on stool, eagle in right hand, vertical scepter in left
Crescent / lion head in left field, X below throne
16mm, 4.24g
Price --; Hersh --

Note: The X (Chi) below the throne has a die break across it, making it appear to be a lunate e (epsilon).

Macedonian Kingdom, Philip III Arrhidaios, AR Drachm, c.323-319 BC, Thrace-Kolophon
(No legend)
Head of Herakles right, wearing lion-skin headdress
Zeus seated left, right leg drawn back, feet on stool, eagle in right hand, scepter in left
Lyre in left field, A below throne
17mm x 18mm, 4.00g
Price P44

Macedonian Kingdom, Philip III Arrhidaios, AR Drachm, c.323-319 BC, Thrace-Kolophon
(No legend)
Head of Herakles right, wearing lion-skin headdress
Zeus seated left, right leg drawn back, feet on stool, eagle in right hand, scepter in left
Lyre in left field, A below throne
17mm x 18mm, 4.20g
Price P44

Macedonian Kingdom, Philip III Arrhidaios, AR Drachm, c.323-319 BC, Thrace-Kolophon
(No legend)
Head of Herakles right, wearing lion-skin headdress
Zeus seated left, right leg drawn back, feet on stool, eagle in right hand, scepter in left
Monogram in left field
16mm x 17mm, 4.21g
Price P46

Thrace-Magnesia ad Maeandrum

Macedonian Kingdom, Alexander III the Great, AR Drachm, c.323-319 BC, Thrace-Magnesia ad Maeandrum
(No legend)
Head of Herakles right, wearing lion-skin headdress
Zeus seated left, his right leg drawn back, feet on stool, eagle in right hand, scepter in left
Bee in left field, spear head in right field behind name
18mm, 4.27g

Macedonian Kingdom, Alexander III the Great, AR Drachm, c.319-305 BC, Thrace-Magnesia ad Maeandrum
(No legend)
Head of Herakles right, wearing lion-skin headdress
Zeus seated left, his right leg drawn back, feet on stool, eagle in right hand, scepter in left
Monogram in left field, monogram below throne
17mm x 18mm, 4.20g
Price 1970

Macedonian Kingdom, Alexander III the Great, AR Drachm, c.319-305 BC, Thrace-Magnesia ad Maeandrum
(No legend)
Head of Herakles right, wearing lion-skin headdress
Zeus seated left, his right leg drawn back, feet on stool, eagle in right hand, scepter in left
A in wreath / B in left field, monogram below throne
19mm x 20mm, 4.34g
Price 1979; Müller 555


Macedonian Kingdom, Alexander III the Great, AR Tetradrachm, 250-175 BC, Thrace-Mesembria
(No legend)
Head of Herakles right, wearing lion-skin headdress
Zeus seated left, eagle in right hand, scepter in left
Corinthian helmet right / monogram left field
31mm x 32mm, 16.81g
Price 992

Macedonian Kingdom, Alexander III the Great, AR Tetradrachm, 175-125 BC, Thrace-Mesembria
(No legend)
Head of Herakles right, wearing lion-skin headdress
Zeus seated left, eagle in right hand, scepter in left
Helmet and DA in left field, monogram below seat
33mm x 35mm, 16.34g
Price 1051


Macedonian Kingdom, Alexander III the Great, AR Drachm, c.325-323 BC (Lifetime Issue), Thrace-Miletos
(No legend)
Head of Herakles right, wearing lion-skin headdress
Zeus seated left, left leg drawn back, feet on stool, eagle in right hand, scepter in left
Monogram in left field
17mm x 18mm, 4.31g
Price 2090

Macedonian Kingdom, Alexander III the Great, AR Drachm, c.325-323 BC (Lifetime Issue), Thrace-Miletos
(No legend)
Head of Herakles right, wearing lion-skin headdress
Zeus seated left, left leg drawn back, feet on stool, eagle in right hand, scepter in left
Monogram in left field
17mm, 4.29g
Price 2090

Macedonian Kingdom, Alexander III the Great, AR Drachm, c.325-323 BC (Lifetime Issue), Thrace-Miletos
(No legend)
Head of Herakles right, wearing lion-skin headdress
Zeus seated left, left leg drawn back, feet on stool, eagle in right hand, scepter in left
Monogram in left field
15mm x 16mm, 4.21g
Price 2090


Pontic Kingdom, Alexander III the Great, AR Tetradrachm, c.80-72/71 BC (Second Mithradatic War), Thrace-Odessos
(No legend)
Head of Mithradates VI, Eupator as Alexander the Great as Herakles right, wearing lion-skin headdress
Zeus Aėtophoros seated left, eagle in right hand, scepter in left
LAK in left field
ODH in exergue
31mm x 33mm, 16.54g
Price 1192; Callata˙ group 3 (unlisted dies)


Macedonian Kingdom, Alexander III the Great, AR Drachm, c.334-323 BC (Lifetime Issue), Thrace-Sardes
(No legend)
Head of Herakles right, wearing lion-skin headdress
Zeus seated left, neither leg drawn back, feet on stool, eagle in right hand, scepter in left
Kantharos in left field
15mm x 17mm, 4.09g
Price 2542

Macedonian Kingdom, Alexander III the Great, AR Drachm, c.334-323 BC (Lifetime Issue), Thrace-Sardes
(No legend)
Head of Herakles right, wearing lion-skin headdress
Zeus seated left, left leg drawn back, feet on stool, eagle in right hand, scepter in left
EY monogram in left field, rose under seat
16mm, 4.25g
Price 2553; Thompson Sardes 54-64

Consignor notes: gVF, well-centered.

Macedonian Kingdom, Alexander III the Great, AR Drachm, c.334-323 BC (Lifetime Issue), Thrace-Sardes
(No legend)
Head of Herakles right, wearing lion-skin headdress
Zeus seated left, left leg drawn back, feet on stool, eagle in right hand, scepter in left
Club in right field behind name, monogram below seat
16mm, 4.29g
Price 2562; Thompson Sardes 79-80

Macedonian Kingdom, Alexander III the Great, AR Tetradrachm, c.323-319 BC, Thrace-Sardes
(No legend)
Head of Herakles right, wearing lion-skin headdress
Zeus seated left, right leg drawn back, feet on stool, eagle in right hand, scepter in left
Torch in left field, TI below seat
23mm x 24mm, 16.97g
Price 2622; Thompson Sardes 236
Ex USA Federal Bureau of Investigations, September 2006; Ex Capital Collectibles (seized assets)

Macedonian Kingdom, Alexander III the Great, AR Drachm, c.323-319 BC, Thrace-Sardes
(No legend)
Head of Herakles right, wearing lion-skin headdress
Zeus seated left, right leg drawn back, feet on stool, eagle in right hand, scepter in left
TI in left field, bee upward below seat
16mm x 17mm, 4.28g
Price 2629; Thompson Sardes XIV.278-82, 293f-294; Müller 522

Macedonian Kingdom, Alexander III the Great, AE20, 336-323 BC, Thrace-Sardes
(No legend)
Head of Herakles right, wearing lion's skin
Bow in case, club and torch with fillets below
19mm x 21mm, 6.12g
Price 2799

Macedonian Kingdom, Philip III Arrhidaios, AR Drachm, c.323-319 BC, Thrace-Sardes
(No legend)
Head of Herakles right, wearing lion-skin headdress
Zeus seated left, right leg drawn back, feet on stool, eagle in right hand, scepter in left
TI / star in left field
16mm x 17mm, 4.21g
Price P88


Macedonian Kingdom, Alexander III the Great, AR Drachm, c.328-323 BC (Lifetime Issue), Troas-Abydus
(No legend)
Head of Herakles right, wearing lion-skin headdress
Zeus seated left, left leg drawn back, feet on stool, eagle in right hand, scepter in left
Hermes advancing left in left field, Ξ under throne
17mm x 18mm, 4.26g
Price 1502

Western Asia Minor-"Macedonian Bronzes"

Macedonian Kingdom, Alexander III the Great, AE Quarter Unit, c.336-323 BC, Western Asia Minor-"Macedonian Bronzes"
(No legend)
Head of Herakles right, wearing lion-skin headdress, club over shoulder
Club of Herakles / bow and quiver
11mm x 12mm, 1.15g
Price 267; Müller --

Consignor notes - VF, dark patina

Macedonian Kingdom, Alexander III the Great, AE Unit, c.336-323 BC, Western Asia Minor-"Macedonian Bronzes"
(No legend)
Head of Herakles right, wearing lion-skin headdress
Club of Herakles / bow and quiver
A above
17mm x 18mm, 6.48g
Price 296; Müller 1697

Consignor notes - aEF, attractive contrasting patina

Macedonian Kingdom, Alexander III the Great, AE Unit, c.336-323 BC, Western Asia Minor-"Macedonian Bronzes"
(No legend)
Head of Herakles right, wearing lion-skin headdress
Club of Herakles / bow in gorytos
E below
19mm x 20mm, 4.43g
Price 322; Müller --

Consignor notes - aVF, attractive earthen patina

Macedonian Kingdom, Alexander III the Great, AE Half Unit, c.323-317 BC, Western Asia Minor-"Macedonian Bronzes"
(No legend)
Diademed head right
Horseman and rider right
Thunderbolt below
16mm x 17mm, 7.03g
Price 371A; Müller --

Consignor notes - gVF, attractive earthen patina

Macedonian Kingdom, Alexander III the Great, AE Unit, c.325-310 BC, Western Asia Minor-"Macedonian Bronzes"
(No legend)
Head of Herakles right, wearing lion-skin headdress
Bow and quiver / club of Herakles
Trident head below
18mm x 19mm, 6.57g
Price 386; Müller --

Consignor notes - gVF, attractive earthen patina

Macedonian Kingdom, Alexander III the Great, AE Half Unit, c.325-310 BC, Western Asia Minor-"Macedonian Bronzes"
(No legend)
Macedonian shield, thunderbolt boss
B | A
Laureate Macedonian helmet decorated with horsehair
Thunderbolt below
14mm x 15mm, 4.22g
Price 416; Müller --

Consignor notes - gVF, obverse well-centered, reverse slightly off-center

Macedonian Kingdom, Alexander III the Great, AE Unit, c.323-310 BC, Western Asia Minor-"Uncertain Macedonian Bronzes"
(No legend)
Head of Herakles right, wearing lion-skin headdress
Bow in gorytos / club of Herakles / torch
20mm x 21mm, 5.57g
Price 2800

Consignor notes - aEF. Fiery glaze, reverse slightly off-center.

Western Asia Minor-"Teos"

Macedonian Kingdom, Alexander III the Great, AR Drachm, c.310-301 BC, Western Asia Minor-"Teos"
(No legend)
Head of Herakles right, wearing lion-skin headdress
Zeus seated left on bench, his right leg drawn back, eagle in right hand, vertical scepter in left, protuberances on legs of throne
Monogram in wreath / Π in left field
17mm x 18mm, 4.11g
Price 2303; Müller 1688

Uncertain Eastern Mint (pp.500-502)

Macedonian Kingdom, Alexander III the Great, AR Obol, c.325-300 BC, Uncertain Eastern Mint
(No legend)
Head of Herakles right, wearing lion-skin headdress
Zeus seated left, neither leg drawn back, eagle in right hand, scepter in left
ΣE monogram below throne
9mm x 10mm, 0.41g
Price 4009; Müller 1623

Consignor notes: gVF, well-centered, nicely toned

Uncertain Mints

Macedonian Kingdom, Alexander III the Great, AR Obol, c.336-323 BC, Uncertain Mint
(No legend)
Head of Herakles right, wearing lion-skin headdress
Zeus seated left, right leg drawn back, eagle in right hand, scepter in left
D (?) below throne
9mm x 10mm, 0.46g
Price p. 540; cf. A. von Prokesch-Osten, “Liste des Alexanders de ma collection qui ne se trouvent pas dans le Catalogue de Mr. L. Müller,” NZ 1 (1869 [1870]), 422. Perhaps imitative.

Macedonian Kingdom, Alexander III the Great, AR Drachm, c.323-320 BC, Thrace-Uncertain Mint (possibly Amphipolis)
(No legend)
Head of Herakles right, wearing lion-skin headdress
Zeus seated left, neither leg drawn back, feet on stool, eagle in right hand, scepter in left
Monogram in left field
16mm x 17mm, 4.04g
Price --; C. Hersh, "Additions and Corrections to Martin J. Price's 'The Coinage in the name of Alexander the Great and Philip Arrhidaeus'" Studies Price --

Note: An unrecorded control for this denomination, which copies exactly the tetradrachm Price 121, and apparently quite rare (because of the thoroughness of Price's monumental study and the fact that most things not included there were caught by Hersh, seldom does one find an Alexander not recorded in either).

Follow-up notes from Lawrence Woolslayer: It's unpublished, but Hyla Troxell knew they were out there - she just never saw one. The symbol is attributed by her to Amphipolis. It falls under her Group I. (Not a one, but the letter after H). Group I did not have enough coins for her to comment about them. There are some tetradrachms she saw of course. She only includes them as a transition between groups I and J in a die-link study. Group I1 looks like a M with a cross bar; I2 looks like an A, bracketed on either side by a |, and with a small circle above; and then I3 which is this symbol.

She states on page 37 that "no Alexander small coins [a lumping of anything below a didrachm] are found after group F," but then just below that statement reopens the door listing groups "K-J and perhaps I" together chronologically. ca. 323-320(310), right alongside the Philip II reissues.

The book is: Hyla A. Troxell, Studies in the Macedonian Coinage of Alexander the Great, ANS Numismatic Studies No. 21, (New York: American Numismatic Society, 1997) ISBN 0-89722-261-x

Macedonian Kingdom, Alexander III the Great, AR Hemidrachm, c.325-320 BC, Pamphylia-Side (?)
(No legend)
Head of Herakles right, wearing lion-skin headdress
Zeus seated left, neither leg drawn back, feet on stool, eagle in right hand, scepter in left
FI in left field, L below throne
13mm x 14mm, 1.95g
Price --, but cf. 2962 (hemidrachm with FI/LS) and 2965 (drachm with FI/L); C. Hersh, "Additions and Corrections to Martin J. Price's 'The Coinage in the name of Alexander the Great and Philip Arrhidaeus'" Studies Price 67

Macedonian Kingdom, Philip III Arrhidaios, AR Drachm, c.323-280 BC, Western Asia Minor-Uncertain Mint
(No legend)
Head of Herakles right, wearing lion-skin headdress
Zeus seated left, left leg drawn back, feet on stool, eagle in right hand, scepter in left
Monogram within circle in left field, stag head right below throne
17mm x 18mm, 4.20g
Price P116

Undetermined Specimens

Macedonian Kingdom, Alexander III the Great, AR Obol, c.336-323 BC, Uncertain Mint
(No legend)
Head of Herakles right, wearing lion-skin headdress
Zeus seated left, right leg drawn back, eagle in right hand, scepter in left
9mm x 10mm, 0.32g
Price ? - No control marks visible to attribute precisely.

Macedonian Kingdom, Alexander III the Great, AR Hemiobol, c.Late 4th Century BC, Uncertain Mint
(No legend)
Head of Herakles right, wearing lion-skin headdress
Zeus seated left, right leg drawn back, eagle in right hand, scepter in left
-I in left field
9mm x 11mm, 0.25g

Consignor notes: aVF, large thin flan, unrecorded variety.

Macedonian Kingdom, Alexander III the Great, AR Drachm, c.Late 4th Century BC, Uncertain Mint
(No legend)
Head of Herakles right, wearing lion-skin headdress
Zeus seated left, right leg drawn back, eagle in right hand, scepter in left
Feather (?) in left field
17mm, 3.91g

Antigonos Gonatas - 277-239 BC

Macedonian Kingdom, Antigonos Gonatas, AR Tetradrachm, 277-239 BC, Thrace-Amphipolis
(No legend)
Head of horned Pan left, lagobolon at shoulder, in the center of a Macedonian shield enclosed in two circles surrounded by seven stars within crescents
Athena Alkidemos advancing left, wearing crested helmet, peplos, chiton and aegis, round shield covered with aegis in left hand, throwing thunderbolt with right, crested Macedonian helmet in lower left field, HΛ monogram in lower right
30mm x 31mm, 17.08g
AMNG III/2, 186, 3; SNG Copenhagen 1199; SNG Munich 1077

3rd Macedonian War

Macedonian Kingdom, Perseus, AR Drachm, c.171/170 BC (Third Macedonian War), Hermias as Magistrate, Thessaly
(No legend)
Head of Helios facing slightly right
Rose with stem flanked by Z | W
16mm, 2.76g
Price, Larissa Pl. XV, 247; SNG Keckman 793

Note: R. Ashton presented a case for this coinage having been struck by Perseus to pay Cretan mercenaries serving in his army during the 3rd Macedonian War (see “A Series of Pseudo-Rhodian Drachms from Mainland Greece,” NC 1988, pp. 29-30). The Rhodian coinage circulated on Crete, where it was a familiar and trusted currency for the Cretans. It is likely that they would have required payment in that form, which is why we find the Rhodian style rose on the reverse of this issue (see also Ashton, SM 146 (May 1987), p. 34).

Macedon under Roman Control

Macedonian Kingdom, Aesillas as Quaestor, AR Tetradrachm, 70-60 BC, Roman Control
Head of Alexander the Great right, wearing Horn of Ammon, Q behind
Hercules club downwards in center, money chest to left, quaestor's chair to right, Q in right field, all within olive wreath
30mm x 31mm, 16.45g
SNG Ashmolean 3305