Topical Collections: Bears - Bermania Note: "Bermania is a small kingdom located in the East Balkans near the Danube River. Founded in the days of the Byzantine Empire, it has always been small, is likely to never be anything but small and as far as we are concerned that's just ducky. This foreign policy has worked very well for San Marino and we suspect it will work well for us. Except for the period 1945 to 1997, Bermania has always been governed by a popular hereditary monarchy under the Royal House of Ursusvir, its original and only dynasty. Under the Communist Occupation, when a Soviet-style forced "democracy" was imposed, elections were generally eschewed by the people, who habitually presented doctors' notes to avoid compulsary voting. Fond of their traditional monarchy, voting for a ruler was seen as beneath the dignity of the Noble Peasants of Bermania. They had over the centuries come to believe, frequently by happy experience, that it was the ruler's responsibility to conduct himself properly, and he ought not have to be told. Participation in the government was all but refused by the Bermanian Peasantry. When seats in the Supreme Soviet went unfilled Nikita Kruschev unsuccessfully attempted to remedy the situation by placing want ads in Bermanian newspapers. Eventually he managed to fill several dozen seats through want ads placed in the Vladivostok edition of Pravda. Nobody wants to live in Vladivostok." Click here for the official Bermania website.