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Gordian III
Philip I
Otacilia Severa
Philip II
Trajan Decius
Herennia Etruscilla
Herennius Etruscus
Trebonianus Gallus

RIC Volume IV, Part III - Gordian III to Uranius Antoninus

Volume IV, Part III was written by Harold Mattingly, Edward A. Sydenham and C. H. V. Sutherland. The latest edition is from 1949 and was reprinted in 1998. It is 246 pages and 16 pages of plates. This volume is arranged chronologically by issuer, mint, denomination,  chronologically within denomination, then alphabetically by reverse legend.

Note: The following table was created from the information in RIC IV, Part III and David Vagi's "Coinage and History of the Roman Empire" Volumes I and II

Common Name Full Name Association Date Period Pages in RIC